
CAT#: H317108


Description: Ivabradine is a novel medication used for the symptomatic management of stable angina pectoris. Ivabradine acts by reducing the heart rate via specific inhibition of the funny channel, a mechanism different from that of beta blockers and calcium channel blockers, two commonly prescribed antianginal drugs. Ivabradine is a cardiotonic agent. Ivabradine was approved in 2015. Ivabradine acts on the If (f is for "funny", so called because it had unusual properties compared with other current systems known at the time of its discovery) ion current, which is highly expressed in the sinoatrial node. If is a mixed Na+–K+ inward current activated by hyperpolarization and modulated by the autonomic nervous system. It is one of the most important ionic currents for regulating pacemaker activity in the sinoatrial (SA) node. Ivabradine selectively inhibits the pacemaker If current in a dose-dependent manner. Blocking this channel reduces cardiac pacemaker activity, slowing the heart rate and allowing more time for blood to flow to the myocardium.


Synthetic Routes

Ivabradine - Synthetic Route 1

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Ivabradine - Synthetic Route 2

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Ivabradine - Synthetic Route 3

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Ivabradine - Synthetic Route 4

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Ivabradine - Synthetic Route 5

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Ivabradine - Synthetic Route 6

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Ivabradine - Synthetic Route 7

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Ivabradine - Synthetic Route 8

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Ivabradine - Synthetic Route 9

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Ivabradine - Synthetic Route 10

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