
CAT#: H562012

CAS#: 1535212-07-7

Description: Voxilaprevir is not in stock, may be available through custom synthesis. For cost-effective reason, minimum 1 gram order is requested. The product will be characterized by NMR, HPLC and MS analysis. Purity (HPLC) is usually >98%. CoA, QC data, MSDS will be provided when product is successfully made. The estimated lead time is 2-3 months. Please send email to sales@medkoo.com to inquire quote.


Synthetic Routes

Voxilaprevir - Synthetic Route 1

Voxilaprevir route01

Synthetic reference

Voxilaprevir - Synthetic Route 2

Voxilaprevir route02

Synthetic reference

Voxilaprevir - Synthetic Route 3

Voxilaprevir route03

Synthetic reference