Balsalazide Disodium

    WARNING: This product is for research use only, not for human or veterinary use.

Hodoodo CAT#: H317308

CAS#: 150399-21-6 ( Disodium )

Description: Balsalazide Disodium is the disodium salt form of balsalazide, an aminosalicylate and oral prodrug that is enzymatically cleaved in the colon to produce the anti-inflammatory agent mesalazine. Mesalazine acts locally on the mucosa of the colon where it diminishes inflammation by blocking the production of arachidonic acid metabolites and other inflammatory agents. Balsalazide disodium is used to treat chronic inflammatory bowel disease.

Chemical Structure

Balsalazide Disodium
CAS# 150399-21-6 ( Disodium )

Theoretical Analysis

Hodoodo Cat#: H317308
Name: Balsalazide Disodium
CAS#: 150399-21-6 ( Disodium )
Chemical Formula: C17H17N3Na2O8
Exact Mass: 0.00
Molecular Weight: 437.310
Elemental Analysis: C, 46.69; H, 3.92; N, 9.61; Na, 10.51; O, 29.27

Price and Availability

Size Price Availability Quantity
1g USD 275 2 Weeks
2g USD 450 2 Weeks
5g USD 800 2 Weeks
Bulk inquiry

Related CAS #: 150399-21-6 (Disodium)   82101-18-6 (salt)   80573-04-2 (free base)  

Synonym: Balsalazide Disodium; balsalazide; balsalazine; BX 661A; BX-661A; BX661A; Colazal; Colazide

IUPAC/Chemical Name: 5-[4-(2-Carboxyethylcarbamoyl)phenylazo]salicylic Acid Disodium Salt Dihydrate


InChi Code: InChI=1S/C17H15N3O6.2Na.2H2O/c21-14-6-5-12(9-13(14)17(25)26)20-19-11-3-1-10(2-4-11)16(24)18-8-7-15(22)23;;;;/h1-6,9,19H,7-8H2,(H,18,24)(H,22,23)(H,25,26);;;2*1H2/q;2*+1;;/p-2/b20-12+;;;;

SMILES Code: C1=CC(=CC=C1C(=O)NCCC(=O)[O-])NN=C2C=CC(=O)C(=C2)C(=O)[O-].O.O.[Na+].[Na+]

Appearance: Solid powder

Purity: >98% (or refer to the Certificate of Analysis)

Shipping Condition: Shipped under ambient temperature as non-hazardous chemical. This product is stable enough for a few weeks during ordinary shipping and time spent in Customs.

Storage Condition: Dry, dark and at 0 - 4 C for short term (days to weeks) or -20 C for long term (months to years).

Solubility: Soluble in DMSO, not in water

Shelf Life: >2 years if stored properly

Drug Formulation: This drug may be formulated in DMSO

Stock Solution Storage: 0 - 4 C for short term (days to weeks), or -20 C for long term (months).

HS Tariff Code: 2934.99.9001

More Info:

Biological target: Balsalazide disodium suppresses colitis-associated carcinogenesis through modulation of IL-6/STAT3 pathway.
In vitro activity: A preliminary study in cultured human colon cancer cells showed that balsalazide disodium (BSZ) inhibited colon cancer cell proliferation in vitro. Furthemore, BSZ produced a dose-dependent chemopreventive effect on colon carcinogenesis. A possible mechanism is consistent with the inhibition of cellular proliferation and the induction of apoptosis. Reference: Int J Oncol. 2000 Jul;17(1):173-9.
In vivo activity: The chemopreventive activity of BSZ was evaluated in two established animal models of colon tumorigenesis, azoxymethane-induced aberrant crypt formation in the rat and intestinal tumor formation in the B6-Min/+ mouse. Aberrant crypt foci (ACF) were induced in Fischer 344 rats via 2 subcutaneous injections of azoxymethane (20 mg/kg). BSZ was supplied in the drinking water for 8 weeks and ACF quantitated. B6-Min/+ mice were treated from 55 days of age for 90 days and intestinal tumors scored for number, size and location. BSZ treatment of AOM-injected rats reduced ACF formation in a dose-dependent manner by 60% with the greatest effect observed on ACF with 4 or more crypts. In B6-Min/+ mice a dose-dependent reduction of intestinal tumor number was observed which reached 80% in the distal small intestine and colon. Reference: Int J Oncol. 2000 Jul;17(1):173-9.

Solubility Data

Solvent Max Conc. mg/mL Max Conc. mM
DMSO 87.0 198.94
Water 87.0 198.94

Preparing Stock Solutions

The following data is based on the product molecular weight 437.31 Batch specific molecular weights may vary from batch to batch due to the degree of hydration, which will affect the solvent volumes required to prepare stock solutions.

Recalculate based on batch purity %
Concentration / Solvent Volume / Mass 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg
1 mM 1.15 mL 5.76 mL 11.51 mL
5 mM 0.23 mL 1.15 mL 2.3 mL
10 mM 0.12 mL 0.58 mL 1.15 mL
50 mM 0.02 mL 0.12 mL 0.23 mL
Formulation protocol: 1. MacGregor DJ, Kim YS, Sleisenger MH, Johnson LK. Chemoprevention of colon cancer carcinogenesis by balsalazide: inhibition of azoxymethane-induced aberrant crypt formation in the rat colon and intestinal tumor formation in the B6-Min/+ mouse. Int J Oncol. 2000 Jul;17(1):173-9. doi: 10.3892/ijo.17.1.173. PMID: 10853036.
In vitro protocol: 1. MacGregor DJ, Kim YS, Sleisenger MH, Johnson LK. Chemoprevention of colon cancer carcinogenesis by balsalazide: inhibition of azoxymethane-induced aberrant crypt formation in the rat colon and intestinal tumor formation in the B6-Min/+ mouse. Int J Oncol. 2000 Jul;17(1):173-9. doi: 10.3892/ijo.17.1.173. PMID: 10853036.
In vivo protocol: 1. MacGregor DJ, Kim YS, Sleisenger MH, Johnson LK. Chemoprevention of colon cancer carcinogenesis by balsalazide: inhibition of azoxymethane-induced aberrant crypt formation in the rat colon and intestinal tumor formation in the B6-Min/+ mouse. Int J Oncol. 2000 Jul;17(1):173-9. doi: 10.3892/ijo.17.1.173. PMID: 10853036.

Molarity Calculator

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*When preparing stock solutions always use the batch-specific molecular weight of the product found on the vial label and SDS / CoA (available online).

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