
    WARNING: This product is for research use only, not for human or veterinary use.

Hodoodo CAT#: H319940

CAS#: 154540-49-5

Description: Fluoroclebopride is useful chemical for PET image study. [18F]fluoroclebopride had been used for PET imaging of dopamine D2 receptors in monkeys.

Chemical Structure

CAS# 154540-49-5

Theoretical Analysis

Hodoodo Cat#: H319940
Name: Fluoroclebopride
CAS#: 154540-49-5
Chemical Formula: C20H23ClFN3O2
Exact Mass: 391.15
Molecular Weight: 391.871
Elemental Analysis: C, 61.30; H, 5.92; Cl, 9.05; F, 4.85; N, 10.72; O, 8.17

Price and Availability

Size Price Availability Quantity
50mg USD 450 2 Weeks
100mg USD 750 2 Weeks
200mg USD 1350 2 Weeks
500mg USD 2150 2 Weeks
Bulk inquiry

Synonym: Fluoroclebopride

IUPAC/Chemical Name: 4-Amino-5-chloro-N-(1-((4-fluorophenyl)methyl)-4-piperidinyl)-2-methoxybenzamide


InChi Code: InChI=1S/C20H23ClFN3O2/c1-27-19-11-18(23)17(21)10-16(19)20(26)24-15-6-8-25(9-7-15)12-13-2-4-14(22)5-3-13/h2-5,10-11,15H,6-9,12,23H2,1H3,(H,24,26)


Appearance: Solid powder

Purity: >98% (or refer to the Certificate of Analysis)

Shipping Condition: Shipped under ambient temperature as non-hazardous chemical. This product is stable enough for a few weeks during ordinary shipping and time spent in Customs.

Storage Condition: Dry, dark and at 0 - 4 C for short term (days to weeks) or -20 C for long term (months to years).

Solubility: Soluble in DMSO, not in water

Shelf Life: >2 years if stored properly

Drug Formulation: This drug may be formulated in DMSO

Stock Solution Storage: 0 - 4 C for short term (days to weeks), or -20 C for long term (months).

HS Tariff Code: 2934.99.9001

More Info:

Biological target:
In vitro activity:
In vivo activity:

Preparing Stock Solutions

The following data is based on the product molecular weight 391.87 Batch specific molecular weights may vary from batch to batch due to the degree of hydration, which will affect the solvent volumes required to prepare stock solutions.

Recalculate based on batch purity %
Concentration / Solvent Volume / Mass 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg
1 mM 1.15 mL 5.76 mL 11.51 mL
5 mM 0.23 mL 1.15 mL 2.3 mL
10 mM 0.12 mL 0.58 mL 1.15 mL
50 mM 0.02 mL 0.12 mL 0.23 mL
Formulation protocol:
In vitro protocol:
In vivo protocol:

Molarity Calculator

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*When preparing stock solutions always use the batch-specific molecular weight of the product found on the vial label and SDS / CoA (available online).

Reconstitution Calculator

The reconstitution calculator allows you to quickly calculate the volume of a reagent to reconstitute your vial. Simply enter the mass of reagent and the target concentration and the calculator will determine the rest.


Dilution Calculator

Calculate the dilution required to prepare a stock solution.

1: Czoty PW, Gage HD, Garg PK, Garg S, Nader MA. Effects of repeated treatment with the dopamine D2/D3 receptor partial agonist aripiprazole on striatal D2/D3 receptor availability in monkeys. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2013 Sep 29. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24077804; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3969775.

2: Gill KE, Pierre PJ, Daunais J, Bennett AJ, Martelle S, Gage HD, Swanson JM, Nader MA, Porrino LJ. Chronic treatment with extended release methylphenidate does not alter dopamine systems or increase vulnerability for cocaine self-administration: a study in nonhuman primates. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2012 Nov;37(12):2555-65. doi: 10.1038/npp.2012.117. Epub 2012 Jul 18. PubMed PMID: 22805600; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3473324.

3: Hamilton LR, Czoty PW, Gage HD, Nader MA. Characterization of the dopamine receptor system in adult rhesus monkeys exposed to cocaine throughout gestation. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2010 Jul;210(4):481-8. doi: 10.1007/s00213-010-1847-2. Epub 2010 Apr 20. PubMed PMID: 20401746; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2878372.

4: Czoty PW, Gage HD, Nader MA. Differences in D2 dopamine receptor availability and reaction to novelty in socially housed male monkeys during abstinence from cocaine. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2010 Mar;208(4):585-92. doi: 10.1007/s00213-009-1756-4. PubMed PMID: 20066401; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2891780.

5: Czoty PW, Riddick NV, Gage HD, Sandridge M, Nader SH, Garg S, Bounds M, Garg PK, Nader MA. Effect of menstrual cycle phase on dopamine D2 receptor availability in female cynomolgus monkeys. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2009 Feb;34(3):548-54. doi: 10.1038/npp.2008.3. Epub 2008 Feb 6. PubMed PMID: 18256593.

6: Czoty PW, Gage HD, Nader SH, Reboussin BA, Bounds M, Nader MA. PET imaging of dopamine D2 receptor and transporter availability during acquisition of cocaine self-administration in rhesus monkeys. J Addict Med. 2007 Mar;1(1):33-9. doi: 10.1097/ADM.0b013e318045c038. PubMed PMID: 21768930.

7: Czoty PW, Gage HD, Nader MA. PET imaging of striatal dopamine D2 receptors in nonhuman primates: increases in availability produced by chronic raclopride treatment. Synapse. 2005 Dec 15;58(4):215-9. PubMed PMID: 16206180.

8: Nader MA, Czoty PW. PET imaging of dopamine D2 receptors in monkey models of cocaine abuse: genetic predisposition versus environmental modulation. Am J Psychiatry. 2005 Aug;162(8):1473-82. Review. PubMed PMID: 16055768.

9: Fahey FH, Gage HD, Buchheimer N, Smith HC, Harkness BA, Williams RC, Bounds MC, Mercier J, Robbins ME, Payne RM, Morton KA, Mach RH. Evaluation of the quantitative capability of a high-resolution positron emission tomography scanner for small animal imaging. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2004 Nov-Dec;28(6):842-8. PubMed PMID: 15538162.

10: Czoty PW, Morgan D, Shannon EE, Gage HD, Nader MA. Characterization of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor function in socially housed cynomolgus monkeys self-administering cocaine. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2004 Jul;174(3):381-8. Epub 2004 Feb 7. PubMed PMID: 14767632.

11: Nonaka Y, Hayashi T, Ohnishi T, Okabe S, Teramoto N, Ueno S, Watabe H, Matsuda H, Iida H, Ugawa Y. A coil for magnetic stimulation of the macaque monkey brain. Suppl Clin Neurophysiol. 2003;56:75-80. PubMed PMID: 14677384.

12: Nader MA, Green KL, Luedtke RR, Mach RH. The effects of benzamide analogues on cocaine self-administration in rhesus monkeys. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1999 Nov;147(2):143-52. PubMed PMID: 10591881.

13: Nader MA, Grant KA, Gage HD, Ehrenkaufer RL, Kaplan JR, Mach RH. PET imaging of dopamine D2 receptors with [18F]fluoroclebopride in monkeys: effects of isoflurane- and ketamine-induced anesthesia. Neuropsychopharmacology. 1999 Oct;21(4):589-96. PubMed PMID: 10481842.

14: Grant KA, Shively CA, Nader MA, Ehrenkaufer RL, Line SW, Morton TE, Gage HD, Mach RH. Effect of social status on striatal dopamine D2 receptor binding characteristics in cynomolgus monkeys assessed with positron emission tomography. Synapse. 1998 May;29(1):80-3. PubMed PMID: 9552177.

15: Mach RH, Nader MA, Ehrenkaufer RL, Line SW, Smith CR, Gage HD, Morton TE. Use of positron emission tomography to study the dynamics of psychostimulant-induced dopamine release. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1997 Jul;57(3):477-86. PubMed PMID: 9218272.

16: Mach RH, Nader MA, Ehrenkaufer RL, Line SW, Smith CR, Luedtke RR, Kung MP, Kung HF, Lyons D, Morton TE. Comparison of two fluorine-18 labeled benzamide derivatives that bind reversibly to dopamine D2 receptors: in vitro binding studies and positron emission tomography. Synapse. 1996 Dec;24(4):322-33. PubMed PMID: 10638823.

17: Mach RH, Elder ST, Morton TE, Nowak PA, Evora PH, Scripko JG, Luedtke RR, Unsworth CD, Filtz T, Rao AV, et al. The use of [18F]4-fluorobenzyl iodide (FBI) in PET radiotracer synthesis: model alkylation studies and its application in the design of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor-based imaging agents. Nucl Med Biol. 1993 Aug;20(6):777-94. PubMed PMID: 8401379.